Topband: WAJA 160

by way of Bill Tippett <> topband-bounces at
Fri Mar 30 09:45:17 EST 2007

From: "Tod-ID" <tod at>
Subject: RE: Topband: WAJA 160
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 08:35:34 -0600

Bill's approach avoids unintended error. Tom's is quite valid, although if
he were a real purist he probably would not have even told us that he had
'done it'.

In spite of one's best efforts and intentions sometimes there is a call sign
error or the other guy was talking to someone other than you when you
thought you were the center of his attention.

Congratulations to both "winners" or "achievers"  -- take your pick.

Tod, K0TO

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