Topband: Did I miss the Era!

Cecil Acuff chacuff at
Tue May 1 19:32:20 EDT 2007

I guess I am on the other end of this experience just developing my interest
in 160 in the last year or so.  I have learned a lot by just reading the
mail here over the last year and hoping to be able to contribute something
at some point in time.

I feel like I have missed the era by not knowing or having worked Earl K6SE
and also from reading and studying "DXing on the Edge" and the legacy of
Stew Perry W1BB.  They sound like great guys...

It forces me to ask if there are still guys around like Stew and Earl that
are Elmering the inexperienced in the ways of 160.  Looking out for the
future.  Today's world seems to be so much about "Me, MY and I" as my dad
used to say just a few short years ago.

I truly believe guys like Earl and Stew defined Amateur Radio by their
accomplishments but mostly by their actions and I feel indebted to them for
that because it's what made us proud of the accomplishment of becoming a
Ham....back in a time when it was not easy to become one.  (remember when
one had to go to an FCC field office to take the test?)

I've been a ham since the mid 70's and have like many been in and out of the
hobby over the years.  The last drop out was about 10 years ago, frustrated
by the behavior of hams on the HF bands and problems with RFI to the
neighbors.  I'm reminded of that frustration while listening for a whisper
out of the BS7H expedition through any number of types of intentional
jamming of the frequencies.  What has happened to ham radio to lead to this
type of use of what has been entrusted to us?  It's embarrassing.  Even on
CW where I had always believed things were more Civil and Gentlemanly.  Last
evening on 20M CW was the worst I've heard since licensed.

I have no intention of leaving 50 I'm back for the duration.(the
Good Lord chooses the next break)

I have a keen desire to be proficient and efficient on 80 and 160 and will
be working to that end.  I believe, until I experience otherwise, that 160
is probably the place where the hecklers don't bother due to the extreme
challenge. I may be wrong but for now that's what I will keep telling
myself....while I build my CW skills and wait for the day I can get some
antennas up that will allow me access to the world of those like W1BB, K6SE
and many of you!



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