Topband: Earl SK

Bruinier at Bruinier at
Thu May 3 04:26:00 EDT 2007

Hi Tom and all,
during the 1970 CQ 160 contest I worked W5RTQ on Jan-24 upon which I received a long letter from Earl. He was enthused about his first EU QSO with only homebrew 50w in his 75 ft T.L. vertical. In fact, I was his 2nd EU, the first being G3RCB from W8DGP. He was aware of me flying over KL7FRY (Shemya) ever so often on the run ANC-TYO, too, and continued about his future plans. If there was a dyed-in-the-wool topbander, it certainly was Earl. It was with great pleasure and interest that I followed his many publications and comments. Typically, he invited me to his W5 QTH stating his phone number. But layovers in Houston were too short to allow for a visit.
Earl's passing is a severe loss for our 160 community.
RIP Earl and BCNU in the multiverse!

Jan DL9KR (ex DL9KRA).

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