Topband: 160 RX lash-up

Steve Flood flood at
Mon Nov 5 18:53:16 EST 2007

I am enclosing my various 160 RX devices into a single metal enclosure.  I have a 2N5109 push-pull preamp, a variable attenuator pad, and a caeur bandpass filter.  Each are built on a copper board.  I am using relays to select any or all in the signal chain.  The question is - can I just use the single wire flying leads to interconnect each device and also to the SO-239 panel connectors?  Or should I use coax ?(I have a bunch of RG-174).  Or does it make any difference?  If using coax, does one just use a common ground plane (the metal enclosure) for all the coax shields? Enough for now.

Steve KK7UV

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