Topband: Inverted V shaped like a W

Gary and Kathleen Pearse pearse at
Wed Nov 7 23:28:46 EST 2007

You could also try center feeding the dipole with one leg horizontal  
over your property, maybe with a drooping end, and drop the other  
vertically to near the ground with a horizontal run to finish off the  
required length in the direction of your to bring the  
feed line away from the feedpoint as horizontally far as possible  
before dropping it to the shack to help de-couple it from the  
vertical portion of the antenna...Link for this: 
wire/ltv.html ...another option would be to feed the dipole mid-way  
up the support structure (tree?) and have both legs go vertically up  
and down as far as possible before either turning away from each  
other, or pointing in the same general direction...Link for the  

GL 73 Gary NL7Y

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