Topband: Using wires from large trees as verticals?

Jim Brown jim at
Fri Nov 16 01:02:29 EST 2007

On Wed, 14 Nov 2007 08:32:50 -0400, Herbert Schoenbohm wrote:

>In fact if the trunk is clean and fairly
>straight this could be done with a single rope over a top branch to pull up
>the cage. 

When you say "cage" I think you're talking about bonds between the vertical 
conductors along their length. Only tall palm trees and the like are built to 
make it that easy. :) Most trees that can support high antennas have lots of 
branches. You can pull up multiple wires, but not a cage. 

>Most studies I have read on cages point out that it is the cage
>itself radiates most of the RF.

I wouldn't disagree with that -- to the extent that the wires look like a large 
conductor and the field causes the current to be concentrated in the 
circumference. It certainly is worth of study. 


Jim K9YC

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