Topband: Sunday morning surprise

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Sun Nov 18 17:49:47 EST 2007

I was quite surprised this morning just before sunrise, the
band was quiet,  more quiet than usual out here,  I heard
several stations calling cq,  YD0, V8, DL4, OZ1 etc. 
I called a couple of the EU stations with no success, 
then I heard OZ1LXJ calling and he heard my weak
signal,  have to apologize to him as after the QSO a
pile up started calling me,  I ended up working OZ, OH2,
JT, UA4, UR0, UR5, 7K4, OH1 etc.  and heard a couple
other signals but QSB was deep and was after my sunrise
and lost propagation.   Thanks guys for the qso's was a
nice opening and I should have gotten up earlier. 
73 Merv K9FD/KH6

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