Topband: enameled wire source

Herbert Schoenbohm herbs at
Thu Nov 29 15:51:56 EST 2007

Glen K4KV wrote:

"I am looking for a source for ground radial wire.


Try E-Bay!  I recently bought some #14 THHN for $20 a 500 foot rolls and
even with snail mail shipping it here via USPS beat the local price by a
lot..  I used to buy it here for $27.50 a roll but it is now $78.50 for
500'.  The seller on eBay seemed to have a large supply in different colors.
(The RF doesn't care about the color scheme, right?)

I am currently bidding on a 1000' roll of Belden 16 AWG bus bar tinned
copper wire.  Then 3 people had bid on it and the price was only $13.00 so I
placed a bid.  I have plenty of wire in the ground so if you need it...go
for it!

Oh while I am on the subject...some broadcasters at radio stations in KP4,
who have lost copper systems to copper scavengers, have converted over  to
good inexpensive galvanized barbed wire to plow in the ground.

For top banders even copper clad aluminum electric fence wire may be
available on large rolls for pennies a foot if you buy it in large

I even still have about a mile of that funny cloth covered military wire
from WWII but the THNN #16 makes a better Beverage or radial wire in my

Good Luck

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

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