Topband: VK9WWI Report

Milt, N5IA n5ia at
Thu Oct 11 00:56:01 EDT 2007

> On 8th October, George wrote...
> "...The Beverage worked so well that a couple of days later we extended it
> to 220 meters... The extended Beverage, however, produced much better
> signals, especially on 160 m... The Beverage worked very well for us for 
> the
> rest of the operation. It was very good on 160 meters and it was superb on
> 80 meters..."
> **********************************
> Most interesting, George --- your decision to erect a Beverage runs in
> direct opposition to ON4UN's admonitions against utilizing Beverages near
> salt water like that...
> "When in doiubt, check it out," I guess. Thanks so much for a most 
> engaging
> write-up on your experiences there!
> ~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

Eddy and others,

Some posts have already eluded to proper operation of the Beverage antenna 
NEAR salt water, etc.  The key in all these reported applications is that 
the soil/rock immediately underneath the Beverage wire that composes the 
other half of the traveling wave transmission line and creates the signal 
tilt so that it is detected in the antenna wire, is NOT saturated with the 
salt water.

The soil/rock is enough of a poor conductor, with the highly conductive 
material far enough away, to allow the principle upon which the Beverage 
works to be in affect.

At XZ0A I installed all the operaional Beverages up on the higher ground of 
the island and they worked superbly.  As a test I installed one at seaside, 
somewhat over the portion of the shore that was exposed at low tide. 
Results???  It was a dummy load even though it was identical physically to a 
properly operating one just a few hundred feet away.

We are in the process of planning all the TX and RX systems for the VP6DX 
excursion.  We believe that the short bushes growing on Ducie indicate that 
there is a few feet of sand/soil that is watered by rain and is not 
saturated by salt water.  We are planning on Beverages being the primary RX 
antenna in the arsenal, and that they will work correctly due to the less 
conductive area over which the Beverages will be deployed.  Wish us success, 
because hearing is the key on the low bands in the subtropics.

73 de Milt, N5IA 

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