Topband: VK9WWI Report - Beverages

G3SVL Chris at
Thu Oct 11 07:03:48 EDT 2007

At 02:23 11/10/2007, George Wallner wrote:
>Dry coral sand is a poor conductor. ...... It appears that the dry 
>sand, a good insulator, is "floating" on salt water saturated sand, 
>which seems to be a good conductor. The ratio of the two may 
>determine whether a Beverage works or not. ....... Putting up a 
>Beverage, however, is relatively easy, so no matter what the results 
>(or theory) it should be tried because it may work in your specific 
>environment (or not).

George and others,

Agree. We concluded that the coral sand was sufficiently poor to 
allow the beverage to work and as others have said, its the soil 
under the beverage that is important. The question we did not know 
before we tried it was how low down the water table was - or indeed 
how low down it needed to be so as not to impact performance.  We put 
up the beverages first but also had K9AY's and a 3-loop array built 
by Eric, K3NA with a back up plan of other antennas if we still were 
deaf.  In the end QRN from African thunderstorms dominated the rx 
(and, of course, tx) antennas.

73 Chris G3SVL  

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