Topband: Transceiver for 160

EP Swynar gswynar at
Fri Oct 19 07:23:22 EDT 2007

On Thursday 18th Oct 2007 Bruce  wrote:

"...I would like to know, which transceiver that people would
recommend for 160 meter DX Use?"


Well, if you're into vintage stuff, I'd heartily recommend a good, used Icom
751A transceiver --- it's my personal favourite for CW here, as compared to
my other OT rig, i.e. a Yaesu FT-980 (which, BTW, is a great-sounding 'phone

Alas & alack, though, the '751A is still in sick bay (a local oscillator
stops oscillating whenever I transmit, for reasons unknown), & the Yaesu
just crapped-out the other day! (no voltage to the MRF422 finals, for
reasons yet unknown).

So, I'm dead in the water here, for now...

I am seriously THIS CLOSE to chucking these two, & buying a good,
hollow-state Drake "B" line to replace them both --- at least I can
understand that technology, work with it, & there's no issue with parts

BTW, does ANYONE on 160 anymore use anything like the Drake twins these
days, or is it all strictly Omnis & Yaesus out there to-day...?

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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