Topband: VK summer season ....

robert briggs vk3zl at
Tue Apr 1 22:28:47 EDT 2008

Hi all,
I have been writing up my European log for 11th Nov 2007 to 31st march 
2008.My summer EU season is coming to a close shortly..

It has been a remarkable season for me with some outstanding sunrise 
openings over this past month especially.My final tally of EU worked 
until 31/03 is 631 stations.Of these many are of course duplicates.It is 
great to get the support from various stations who regularly inform me 
of conditions when I am calling.I have managed to log some new countries 
as well.

My aim is to give zone 30 Topband to as many ops as possible.I have a 
daily flow of qsl cards in the mail and I try to get my replies away the 
next trip to town,usually within a week of receipt.I only qsl direct on 
receipt not having buro facilities.

The log book tells a real propagation story for the 4 months of 
operation and I will have to take some time to try and graph prop 
variations.There are very definite patterns and amazing spotlight prop 
on some days.

How many more seasons I will be able to work? Well who knows, but I have 
had the best ride anybody could wish for.

Good Dxing......Bob VK3ZL..

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