Topband: P29 on 160m

ik4gme ik4gme at
Thu Aug 21 12:39:28 EDT 2008

Hi guys,
Derek > G3KHZ  has confirmed to me by  email there is a chance for next P29 expedition: to be QRV on topband with a good amplifier and a Titanex or Battle creek antenna , but they need more money ....the budget for air freighting that top band gear out and back is $1,400  !!
It is my intention to try to help the group to collect the necessary additional money . At present with my local friends i can promise them up to a total of about 150 $ .
Are there here in the reflector, other topbanders who need P29 on 160M who can take in consideration to send some green stamps to G3KHZ and group?
If yes, can You please make me know your call sign and  how much $$ can send  , at  ik4gme at   ?
After a week from now i will say to Derek the amount available by email and, in case of goal , i will immediately advise everyone by email-replay to send the promised money DIRECTLY  TO  HIM , or possibly using PAYPAL following WEB page instruction.

John  IK4GME

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