Topband: How to get started on 160?

EP Swynar gswynar at
Thu Aug 28 19:31:56 EDT 2008

On 28th August, Jacob wrote:

"...I have a dual 6SN7 regen, and...but I can't ever
hear any amateurs. Is this how ham radio is, or am I just doing something



Others here have already summarized the ins & outs of 160-meter propagation
in the summertime, so I won't repeat what has already been said...

However, speaking as one who has himself experimented with the use of a
regenerative receiver on TopBand as recently as about 10 years ago, let me
forewarn you that while it'll be a fun and relatively easy exercise for you
to copy AM up in the "window" around 1880 - 1890-KHz in the dead of winter,
attempting to hear some SERIOUS CW / SSB DX in the presence of what can be
VERY fierce competition from high-powered North American stations (many of
which are blessed with directive transmitting arrays) is an entirely
different matter...!

It's tough enough to do it by times even with the aid of elaborately
filtered modern-day transceivers and specialized receiving antennas.

Still, you are to be applauded for your enthusiasm and persevence.

I am aware of at least one Stateside Amateur who has successfully managed to
semi-regularly work Europe on the band, while utilizing little more than a
relatively uncomplicated, homebrewed, 1929-style station. Indeed, on the
rare occasion, he'll post the latest results of his DX progress / prowess
with the gear on this very Reflector...

Be it a challenge, or the fullfillment of some lifelong dream of yours,
always remember to have fun in the endaevour --- the process of "getting
there" can be far more enjoyable than when you actually succeed!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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