Topband: Post Contest Boring Report

Tree tree at
Tue Dec 2 11:10:50 EST 2008

Starting with the most recent...

This morning - UA9MA was holding court on 1831.5 and working a lot of
west coast stations.  He showed up around 1330 UTC and was in for a 
good hour here.  Again, this opening seems to peak for me about an 
hour before sunrise.  By the time sunrise comes around - the over
the pole signals are mostly gone.  

Here is what UA9MA sounded like here:

I also worked a couple of UA9K stations which appear to be furthur 
north than UA9MA.  I am betting EY8MM would have been coming in had
he still been at his radio QTH.

Speaking of EY8MM, on Sunday night after the contest, Nodir was able
to work some USA stations, including W7LR.  I was surprised to be 
hearing him in the evening (having worked him in the morning before
the contest).  Here is what his signal sounded like on peaks - much
better than he was during my QSO with him:

Last night - the band seemed very good to most of Europe.  For me, 
it started with UA4HBW at 0245z, and ended at 0608z when I worked OE3GCU
before going to bed.  I had 20 European contacts.  UA2FX called in for a 
nice seldom heard from country (at least out here).

This morning - Tur, YL2SM, answered my CQs and I put a few SMs and 
OHs in the log as well (plus the Russians).  Phil, VK6GX spotted me
on packet - so I switch my array around and was able to work him.  
He was not as strong as he is during the August/September openings.

It will be fun to see how deep into Europe this morning opening will
take me as we get closer to the solstice.  

73 Tree N6TR/7
Boring, OR

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