Topband: EU signals

Steve Flood kk7uv at
Wed Dec 3 19:25:19 EST 2008

For those of you in my region around MT (W7LR, N6TR, W7IUV, K7TJR, etc) who have little problem hearing DX, I am curious as to whether the signals from EU of the past several days have been arriving at high angles or at skewed paths.  This has been one of the few occasions when I've been able to hear EU stations.  ES1 and OM3 have been very copyable here recently.  My situation is that everything below a 25 degree angle to my northeast shortpath to EU is blocked my a giant mountain.  So I am either hearing EU sigs arriving at a higher angle than usual, or they are skewed somewhat north or east.  Are any of you able to discern with you antenna setups which condition may have been the case recently?

Steve, KK7UV
(western MT)

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