Topband: Vee Beams

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at
Thu Dec 11 23:23:01 EST 2008

> Vee Beams?
> I friend told me about this antenna and I did a search in internet and seems
> that with 2 or more wavelenghts you have a considerable gain.!
> How about for example a 2 wavelenghts for 160 mts Vee Beam? 
The problem with Rhombics and Vee beams on 160 meters is the same 
problem that all horizontally polarized antennas have. With horizontal 
polarization you need much more height above ground to get reinforcement 
instead of cancellation, at low elevation angles, by the direct wave and 
the ground reflected wave. A half wavelength above ground is pretty good 
and a full wavelength is even better. That is why horizontally polarized 
Yagis for 20 meters, on top of 20 meter tall towers, work quite nicely. 
And Rhombics for 20 meters and higher bands work good on 50 foot wooden 
utility poles. Getting a horizontally polarized antenna, a half or a 
full wavelength above ground, on 160 meters is a bit more difficult.


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