Topband: Matching Transformer

GEORGE WALLNER gwallner at
Fri Dec 26 10:15:12 EST 2008

On Thu, 25 Dec 2008 23:36:19 -0600
  "AD5VJ  Bob" <rtnmi at> wrote:
> ok guys I just uploaded the pics of my project.  


That is perfectly good looking transformer. Don't worry 
about baluns (not needed for a beverage anyway) and other 
stuff people peddle. Try it! If it works you are there!


PS: You may need some common mode chokes to get rid of 
noise that could be picked up by the coax. That is an 
entirely different matter from the matching transformer 
you are focusing on now. Look in ON4UN's book and at 
K9YC's web site.

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