Topband: (no subject)

Jeff w7jw at
Sat Dec 27 13:52:08 EST 2008

Jim Brown wrote:

On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 18:35:06 -0600, AD5VJ Bob wrote:

This ground is not a stake in the ground at the end of the wire, Jim Brown
wrote in reply: That is NOT a good thing. Don't do that! You want no
coupling to your transmit antenna. Disconnect it and drive a stake, even if
it's not a good stake or a long stake.Rising in disagreement with one of the
best audio engineers on the planet is dangerous....but "fools rush in where
angels fear to tread"...

Here it is:......a ROG or radial on ground (attached only to the tower
ground) gains some length due to the VF laying on earth.....this allows for
shorter radials that appear to be at RF longer. This would help top banders
with limited space.. It may not help in RFI situations but it sure beats
driving a metal stake or nail and the possible effects of a poor connection
and corrosion over time. I use huge spikes but only to secure the #12 or #10
solid electrical wire at the far end wrapping it around the spike but making
the copper exposed end pointing skyward out of the ground after I pound the
spike down.Maybe I am doing it wrong...please let me know.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

OK so here is my question about wires on the ground and their velocity
factor as this isn't the first time I've seen reference to 50% or so
velocity factor for such wires.  If this is true for radials, than is it
true for a beverage on the ground (BOG)?  If so then is a 350' BOG the same
as a 700' beverage three feet off the ground?

Jeff Wheeler
w7jw at

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