Topband: radial location
özer öksüz
ta2rcozer at
Sun Dec 28 19:00:00 EST 2008
Hello Dear Topbanders,
I solved my strange SWR problem with a good SWR and power analiyser by
measuring the L antenna from bottom.And this was a good lesson for me.
I need another help:
My home QTH is just near sea side and 160 meters antenna room is 20x20
meters area, located between sea side and my home.I have many trees at back
side of my home and this part is not good for antenna work.
The antenna is an inverted L and I installed it the zero point to sea(just
over the dock) with a 18 meters fiberglas mast to other mast located on the
home roof for avoiding of the nearby objects.18 meters vertical and 21
meters horisontal wire...
Normally eight 1/4 WL surface radials are in use.But winter time,my
neighbours permits more radials at their gardens.I can cover only 180 degree
of the radial circus on the ground.The other 180 degree is over the sea and
I can add short and dense radials(1/8 and 1/16 WL) about 1 meter up from sea
at contest time.
The question is:The short radials(over the sea) are necessarry or not?
Thanks for comments and help.
HNY 2009!
Ozer Oksuz,TA2RC,YM0T
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