Topband: tar

Brad Rehm bradrehm at
Fri Feb 8 10:06:41 EST 2008

 i am thinking - how about covering them in plastic
> roofing mastic? or bathroom calk?
> mike w7dra getting ready for the ARRL DX test


I can't think of a reason why the mastic or caulk wouldn't protect the
splices.  The only problem might be that it would be very hard to
inspect them again after you've applied the coating.

My Beverage feedline was attacked by mice and our goats and donkey
when it was lying on the ground.  I hadn't gotten it tied to our
neighbor's fence yet, and the goats bit through it in several places
in just a few days.  I spliced the line and tied it along the top of
the 48" fence.  This time, the neighbor's horses got to it in less
than a week.  I replaced all 650 feet of that feedline and it's now in
1/2" PVC electrical conduit.  The goats and donkey are out there, as
I'm typing this, looking at the conduit, trying to think of a way to
bite through it.

Good luck!

Brad, KV5V

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