Topband: K9AY Impact of Nearby Large Metal Object

Louis Anciaux hp3xug at
Sat Jun 21 11:43:05 EDT 2008

Greetings TOP Banders:

Finally we are approaching viability for the new QTH.

However, the locale we had selected, about 1 mt lower than a dead end road
on the N side, has now brought a 40 ft container into direct line to due N
from the K9AY site.  It,s mid section is about 25 mtrs in direct line from
antenna base, and obviously with the broken carriage and can't be moved
until that house is built 6-12 months from now, "or materials have been used

Ergo, my queries are:
1.  How much impact would be expected in the Northerly directions (am
presuming will be significant albeit the radiation angle should be
relatively high already from the K9AY?).

2.  Should the other directions be expected to perform close to the
antenna's expected norm?

3.  What, if it is viable, would the effect of raising the K9AY up 10-12 ft
above gnd have on performance?

4.  Lastly, I recall some time in the past a posting concerning a slight
increase in the K9AY antenna size would improve 160, perhaps a  little
impact on 80 and reduced performance on 40.  I don't recall, but may have
been about 10% increase in size?

Thanks in advance and looking forward to coming season with improved RX and
TX (a la VK3ZL's style vert) and being able to QSO many of those who we
haven't been able to.  As well, to continue to improve our current TB score
of 105/93.  Will remain at 100W however.

With warm regards,

PS: A newer R7 (and agn able to be on 17m) plus 6m will have capability for
bands needed(6-160m NO 60m in HP), as always willing to give HP QSOs out
when-ever/where-ever/how-ever needed.
Louis N. Anciaux
info at
ZamiaLouis at
Louis +507-6612-7736
Yari +507-6604-7736

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