Topband: C21DL on 160 meters?

Brad Anbro n9en at
Sun Mar 2 16:04:24 EST 2008

Hello Topbanders,

Every morning before I leave for work at 1220Z, I look at
the Cluster screen to see if C21DL has been spotted on
160 meters. That is the last band on which I need "C21."

I did a "sh/dx 160 C21DL" the other morning and it brought
up a couple of spots from around 1400Z, which is an
hour past our sunrise and of course, I have to leave for
work well before that.

If anyone has a way of contacting this station and asking
him to be on earlier, say around 1130Z or 1200Z, I'm
sure that there would be many who would like to work
him on top band.

73 de Brad, N9EN

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