Topband: Skewed Path To South Pacific...?

EP Swynar gswynar at
Tue Mar 11 10:36:10 EDT 2008

Good Morning All,

I wonder if those of you blessed with superior receiving antennas to mine here may have noticed any skewness of the Australian path on the band this morning...?

To-day was one of those rare days wherein the S/N ratio on received signals was superior using my transmitting antenna (as opposed to my K9AY loops / N/S Beverage). I struggled to copy VK3IO (469), as well as VK2AWD (339) with my tri-angular phased array beaming N/W --- however, when I re-directed the antenna to due north, Ron (IO) was a good 579 - 589, and AWD became a decent 569...

My array can only be re-directed in relatively coarse 45-degree steps, so there was doubtlessly something lost in the way of "...fine tuning" here. Still, the effect was VERY pronounced, and only served to make me pine for a multi-Beverage array with 10-degree spacing! Hi Hi.

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

PS: Nothing heard from TX5C here this morning...

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