Topband: Congrats to RA4LW and W7LR

Bill Tippett btippett at
Fri Mar 14 06:42:46 EDT 2008

I wrote:

>  WAS is extremely difficult for anyone from that
>  area and this could be the first time anyone has done it from Zone 16
>  (perhaps RA6AX or UA6LV have...they are farther south so it's a little
>  easier for them).

        Well I should always read the fine print!  Underneath his
WAS certificate Vlad says "only three hams from EU Russia have this
certificate, - they are UA6LV, RA6AX, ... and me finally."  So congrats
to Vlad UA6LV and John RA6AX...and to Vlad RA4LW for being the
first from the UA4 region!

                                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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