Topband: Conditions Mar 12/13

Jim Brown jim at
Fri Mar 14 15:41:07 EDT 2008

On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 07:14:02 -1000, Merv Schweigert wrote:

>The bad news is I had to go out to see if my antenna was down,  I called
>and called to no avail,  finally worked IK0YVV and G0JHC, but even that
>seemed to be a challenge,  not sure what was going on, 

Hi Merv,

Don't overlook the significance of the vertical pattern. You never know 
what the path from you to them is going to be -- high angle, low angle, in 
between. The few times I've worked AF from here in CA, it's been a high 
angle path, for which my dipole works better than my vertical (even at 100 
ft, it's a low wire on 160, and produces a lot of relatively high angle 
radiation). Another example -- last weekend, two nights in a row, TX5C was 
a solid 2 S-units louder on my dipole than on my vertical. And they're off 
the end of the dipole!  When working long path on 80 and 40 to EU, I 
rarely hear the DX very well on the Beverages as compared to the dipoles. 
It's also common for for Beverages to hear quite well for some short path 
conditions and not very well for others. Again, it's the vertical pattern. 


Jim K9YC

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