Topband: Unusual Propagation
Merv Schweigert
k9fd at
Sun Nov 2 14:08:33 EST 2008
EP Swynar wrote:
> On 1st November, Denny wrote:
> "...Between 2030Z and 2034Z I heard clearly 3 DX sun was still
> over 2 hours from sunset, being 30+ degrees up in the sky...The band was
> very quiet and the signals were right at the noise level but Q5... I'm not
> sure how the signals got here - ducting above the D layer?"
> ***************************************
> Hi Denny,
> Yes, the band was, indeed, kinda funny yesterday...
> I turned the rig on at around 2140Z, and heard G3ROO just pouring in --- it
> was still very much full daylight here, and until I heard his callsign, at
> first I assumed Ian was most likely located somewhere Stateside because he
> was just so strong.
> I worked him well enough (he just barely copied me at 559), but he
> complained about QRM from adjacent European stations participating in the
> Russian DX contest. After we'd signed, I toured the band and was amazed at
> how many 569 / 579 Europeans there were scattered pretty much
> everywhere...they were all intensely focused, it seemed, upon working each
> other, so I never bothered to try.
> I never heard any Stateside stations at all...I assumed they simply knew
> better than to waste any effort in attempting to crash through all of that
> European QRM.
> ~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
Been having odd condtions here also, hearing Asia well after daylite, 2
hours or more after.
Last nite band sounded dead as a hammer, but worked 37 EU contacts,
many first time
QSOs. Slow and deep QSB and timing had to be correct or could not pull
calls out in time
for the QSB dip.
Signals from DL, SM, LA, OH, ON, G, I , OZ, GW, EI, PA, etc were very
good, many peaking 579 on
peaks. One of those great evenings.
HS0, P29, had good signals for sunrise, A43 was on but very weak today.
Will be QRV again tonite, see if we have a repeat or perhaps spotlight
move to a different EU area.
73 Merv K9FD/KH6
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