Topband: Inverted L

Jwpjj at Jwpjj at
Mon Nov 3 08:25:58 EST 2008

Hopefully I can use this forum for questions about antennas for the Top  
Band. I recently installed a 160 meter inverted L, Its about 130' , vertical  
height is 60' , horizontal length 70'.  The horizontal is heading in a NE  
direction. I used an 8' ground rod and attached the shield of the coax to it and  I 
have at present 4 - 130' radials attached. The vswr came down every time I  
added another radial. to the point where the vswr is 1.1 at 1.850 and 1.7 at 1.8  
and 1.7 at 1.9. So with 4 radials the antenna as far as vswr works great.  
Question is, without involving "Murphy", is if I add more radials will the  vswr 
change in that I might have to shorten the antenna, will me signal strength  
change with addition of more radials, will I gain anything by adding more  
radials. What I did notice as I added another radial each time, checking the  
vswr each and every time with a MFJ 259, the vswr went down. with the 4th radial  
its right where I wanted the ant to be resonant. So am I to leave well enough 
 alone or should we add more radials?  This is my first time being back on  
160 since the early 90's with 145 confirmed and its a great band to be on. So I 
 am a little rusty here and hopefully I am asking the forum if I am even in 
the  right place. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tnx, John 

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