Topband: Receive pre-amp for Terminated Rx Loop - summary

Larry Molitor w7iuv at
Mon Nov 3 22:24:36 EST 2008

--- On Mon, 11/3/08, OZ1AXG Flam <oz1axg.nospam at> wrote:

>>I made some final modifications this weekend to lower the 
>>temperature of the transistor, and that worked very well. 

Since there have been literally hundreds of these preamps built using the values shown on my web page, one has to wonder why one would be different.

I have a half dozen or so of these things in use at this QTH and none of them get that hot. The unit I use for 160 meters has been powered up and running 24/7 for the last seven years or so with no issues. (FWIW, it is NEVER disconnected from the Beverages, not during TX and not during storms)

I would suggest that a better technical approach would be to discover why one would be different than all the rest rather than make arbitrary modifications.

On the other hand, if there is no compelling reason to have excellent 3rd order intercept and IMD performance, I guess there is no practical reason why one shouldn't modify to suit.

73, Larry

Larry - W7IUV
DN07dg - central WA


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