Topband: Y shaped radials. was Re: Inverted L

George (K8GG) & Marijke Guerin gmguerin at
Tue Nov 4 12:27:48 EST 2008

Rob, F5VHN wrote:

Subject: Topband: Y shaped radials. was Re: Inverted L

> Has anyone ever thought of using Y shaped radials. Ie you start off with 
> your 0.125 length radials then at the end you attach 2 more radials (still 
> going away from the antenna). You could then do the same at the end of 
> these 2 radials.... etc.....
> So you could have 16 radials 0.125 WL
> then 32 radials from 0.125 to 0.2 WL
> then 64 radials from 0.2 to 0.3 WL,
> As I see it, it is question of covering the ground area, or ground 
> coverage. The further from the antenna, the more area there is for the 
> radial to cover... so fill in the gaps. Yes/no ?
> Best 73
> Rob F5VHN

Dear Rob and Fellow Topbanders,

As I understand the theory of radials, there is a need for lots of wire 
close in to the feed point under a vertical or inverted-L antenna to handle 
the return currents and reduce ground losses.

For example, with an inverted-L that may be 20 meters up and 20 meters out 
(66 feet vertical and 66 feet horizontal) with 32 radials each 20 meters (66 
feet) long gives less ground loss than 16 radials each 40 meters (132 feet) 

Therefore, I would not vote for Y arrangements.  I would put down as many 
single radials as possible and avoid extra connections in the radial field.

GL & 73        George    K8GG

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