Topband: Phased Verticals
Tomi Laakkonen
tomi.laakkonen at
Wed Nov 5 14:35:12 EST 2008
vhfplus at kirjoitti:
>> Is there anyone on the reflector using 3/8 wave spaced 1/4 wave verticals.
>> I have a couple of questions as I'm thinking of going that path here.
>> 73 Clive GM3POI
> Please share any responses, Clive! I have a 65-foot, top-loaded
> (tee-wire), vertical on 160 and a 65-foot vertical on 80 which is 200-feet
> away. I have been considering the possibility of using this as a phased
> array on 160 (and, maybe, on 80).
> I know what possible pattern combinations can be expected with 1/4-wave
> elements but can find no information on the effect of base loading the
> 80-meter vertical to resonance on 160 for the second element in the array.
> I have no experience with any of the antenna design programs. Perhaps this
> is my opportunity to learn.
> 73,
> Jack, W6NF
Hi Jack
I made this autumn modification to one of my 1/4 wl 80m phased
verticals. Vertical was modified to 80/160 trap vertical using Battle
Creek Special desing, but only one trap for 80m. Trap was constructed
QRO using RG-213.
I have also one top loaded vertical for 160m inline with 80 meters
verticals and it is about 40m away . I made phasing lines and box
between 160m toploaded vertical and modified 80/160 vertical and
separate relay swichbox at 80/160 trap vertical feedpoint to control,
do I use 80 phasing lines or 160m phasing lines.
Currently I have 3 verticals; 2 phased verticals both on 80 and 160m.
So far results are very promising !
73's de Tom / OH2BEN
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