Topband: reversible Beverage v none reversible Beverage

Neil Carr G0JHC g0jhc at
Sat Nov 8 12:59:57 EST 2008

I have a east/west reversible Beverage, (reflection transforms etc) it works
well East, but poor to the west, the definition of poor is that a phased end
fire array of 2 EWEs separated by 38m always  out performs it to the west.

What's the trade offs with a reversible Beverage, compare with a dedicated
one in same direction? Any?

Why doesn't it work quite as well the "other way"? Is this common, or do I
have a problem?

Have I something set up wrong (although the analyzer suggest its looking
fine) or will the "other" direction always be  a compromise?


Neil G0JHC


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