Topband: small diaameter radials - issues?

Jim Brown jim at
Sat Nov 15 13:06:15 EST 2008

On Sat, 15 Nov 2008 12:18:20 -0000, Neil Carr G0JHC wrote:

>So my 1st question is a mechanical one, does thin rolls of enamelled copper

It will depend on soil chemistry (PH) and physical abuse. 

>Is there any difference in performance if you laid 100 1.5mm radials
>compared with 100 3mm radials?

The literature pretty much agrees no difference at all. 

Another point -- the only reason to bury radials is a mechanical one. They 
work fine laying on the earth. 

What you MIGHT see is interaction between your 80M and 160M antennas -- that 
is, the 160M antenna may act as a parasitic element to the 80M antenna and 
modify the directivity of the 80M antenna. I would not expect the reverse to 
be true. 


Jim K9YC

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