Topband: reversible Beverage v none reversible Beverage (answers)

Victor A. Kean, Jr. vkean at
Sat Nov 15 22:05:59 EST 2008

On Saturday 15 November 2008 6:36:07 pm James C. Hall, MD wrote:

> The only thing I can think of is that the DXE gear is built for this window
> line and its 450 ohm impedance. Because of the wider spacing of the first
> set of wires, this would increase the impedance quite a bit. Am I on the
> right track in my thinking here? Is there a (simple) solution?

It doesn't increase the impedance that much.  I use 9 inch spacing of #14
wires which comes out with a couple ohms of 675 ohms, which is a nice 9:1
match to 75 ohm RG6.

A 450 ohm to 700 ohm mismatch is only a 1.5:1 SWR.

Victor, K1LT

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