Topband: reversible Beverage v none reversible Beverage (answers)

Dennis OConnor ad4hk2004 at
Mon Nov 17 10:43:50 EST 2008

The first question that comes to mind is whether the difference in signal strength is due to a fault on the Beverage, or a due to a difference in the signals from the two directions...
The comment that you need to ensure a stable termination at both ends is right on... Three 5 foot copper pipes driven in a triangle with about 6-8 foot spacing and augmented with a half dozen short radials will ensure a stable RF ground.
 (vast overkill, but anything worth doing is worth over doing)...
Then I would use a VOM to ring the coax pair - or relay if using a single coax - for continuity and shorts and proper operation of the relay (if any)...  IF the VOM check is OK then I use an MFJ259 and/or a noise bridge - and I have been known to put a resistor across the far end of the coax and use a low power signal and SWR meter -  to prove everything is OK at RF - ,.....
Then if you still feel there is a fault in the reverse direction I would reverse the installation... Swap the reflection transformer and the coax transformer ends... Take the HF rig and a battery out to the new feed point and check the signals... If now the low signal has swapped directions 180 degrees, then you know there is an RF fault in the transformers (assuming you have already rung the wires and transformers with a VOM for continuity)
I did not go through the back messages, so if I am duplicating others postings that is why...

denny / k8do


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