Topband: Current Balun feeds

Price Smith w0rihps at
Wed Nov 19 00:11:41 EST 2008

Subject: Topband: Current Balun feeds

> Hi All,
> Will someone tell me why a 1/4 wave vertical (either full size or top
> loaded) or an inverted-L needs to be fed through a current Balun.
> It seems to me that if the center of the coax connects to the vertical or
> inverted-L and the shield connects to the radials, nothing more is needed.
> Thanks,
> George    K8GG

Hi George,

I have to agree with you. Feeding an unbalanced load with a unbalanced 
seems to me to be correct with no current balun.

I shunt feed my tower with an Omega Match. Works out great. VSWR at 1830 kHz 
1.0-1. 2.0-1 bandwidth is ~ 40kHz. I might retune it to 1820 kHz as my 
contacts are 99.9%
CW. NO Balun.

My Best to the Battle Creek Gang
73........Price W0RI 

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