Topband: MW good propagation now!

Steve London n2icarrl at
Thu Nov 20 13:30:41 EST 2008

cris blak wrote:
> Hello,
> If this message will get through, then I want to let you know that right now
> there is a good propagation on MW (1557KHz) on a 1500Km E-W path in Europe. I
> receive France Info in the car with good audio at 14UTC. This is on daylight,
> the Sun was Az234 and El6.5 degree. Since one year ago starting to monitor MW
> in the car, I never meet such event.

Yes..this is a little off-topic, but I noticed about 30 minutes ago (1100 local 
time) that the EU shortwave BC stations on 40 meters were S9+ here in 
southwestern New Mexico, short path. Normally they are inaudible at this time of 
day. Could be an interesting evening on 160.

Steve, N2IC

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