Topband: Multiple Beverage Grounding

Lee K7TJR k7tjr at
Thu Nov 20 16:06:20 EST 2008

Hi Herb,    
     I just looked at the DXE site and they say their Beverage system has isolated grounds. 
I would not tie the grounds together Between Beverages. It looks like you will get plenty of isolation 
if you make sure your coax shield does not have an extra ground connection added at the antennas. 
Simply connected to the DXE boxes should be fine. I also ran an Eznec pattern with two 800 foot 
Beverages 15 feet apart at the hub and about 30 degrees angle. There did not seem to be significant 
coupling. If your single Beverages do not use the DXE transformers I would make sure the transformer 
output winding for the coax is floated or isolated from ground. 

   Lee  K7TJR Oregon

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