Topband: Vertical vs Inverted Vee

Rick Karlquist richard at
Sun Nov 23 14:44:29 EST 2008

Lars Harlin wrote:

> When comparing the far field in EZNEC we can see that: At all angles above
> 20 degrees the inverted Vee puts out more energy than the vertical. Saying
> that everything goes straight up is defenitly wrong!
> Assuming that 15 degrees is an optimum angle for, lets say distances of
> 5000 - 7000 km, it could explain why the dipole not is that far behind the
> vertical.
> Is the assumption wrong? Is EZNEC flawed? Or am I flawed?  :-)
> 73 de Lars, SM3BDZ

There are some issues with the ionoshere that affect verticals and dipoles
differently at MF, as opposed to HF.  EZNEC doesn't even claim to model
those effects.

I put up a full size dipole at 16 meters high for a year and A/B'ed it
against my vertical.  The dipole was always 10 to 20 dB worse,
except for an occassional local station.  I am in a high ground
conductivity area.  Other stations have has different experiences.

Rick N6RK

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