Topband: Lesson Learned

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at
Tue Nov 25 04:08:10 EST 2008

> There's something, nay, a lot! to keeping the vertical downleads as 
> short as possible or even eliminating them.
Hi Art,

     I understand that the reason you want the downlead short is to 
prevent that small vertical section from acting as a vertical antenna 
with an omni-directional pattern. Of course you would like the Beverage 
pattern only, without that omni-directional pattern added to it. What I 
don't understand is how you can achieve that goal. If you have the 
Beverage feed transformer and the feed coax connected up at the height 
of the horizontal Beverage wire, you still have a short vertical wire 
running down to the ground system, and that wire will also pick up 
signals. How can you avoid this? An above ground level counterpoise at 
each end of the Beverage?


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