Topband: 160 meter yagi

Greg - ZL3IX zl3ix at
Thu Nov 27 02:49:56 EST 2008

Chortek, Robert L wrote:
> "More giant antennas of the North from OH6KN on a tower of more than 100
> meters. Jukka says this monster will be in full operation by the summer
> of
> 2009 Summer. The installation of loading coils on the 160-meter Yagi
> will be
> done by someone who walks out to the elements inside the boom! I'd say
> OH8X,
> Radio Arcala ("Arka" means fearful or afraid in Finnish), will be in
> many
> logs on many bands." c ARRL
> GREAT, now I will finally be able to work OH from my tiny suburben lot
> in the black hole of California!
> There IS a dx god!
> 73,
> Bob/AA6VB
Bob - just hold thumbs that this god allows coupling to the ionosphere
from horizontally polarised antennas in OH.  There are many locations
where he doesn't allow it on TB!  (At least not very often)  There is
one prominent member of this group that will attest that he doesn't
allow it from GA USA!

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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