Cecil Acuff chacuff at
Thu Nov 27 12:31:33 EST 2008

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. and Mrs. Magoo" <magoo at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 4:10 PM
Subject: Topband: CLIPPERTON L

> For those who may have a Dentron Clipperton L linear and contemplate 
> making
> it a better performer on 160M, I recently added to and updated my web page
> on this fine little unit.  Some of the material goes back to the mid-90s 
> and
> originated with Tom, W8JI, Carl, KM1H, Yuri, K3BU plus a number of others 
> on
> this reflector who sent me suggestions.
> >
> 73, Bill VE3CSK/VE3NH

Inspired by this work of others I rehabilitated a nice Clipperton L a few 
years back, adding many of the tips offered. (and a few of my own)  I 
completely re-wound a new set of tank coils from #6 and #12 copper.  Silver 
plated all of it for whatever efficiency it would add.  Re-worked the tank 
taps with copper strap I sheared from some wide copper grounding sheet. 
Silver plated all that as well.  An Ameritron AL-572 Plate Choke for good 
measure topped with their parasitic suppression board and ceramic plate 
caps.  Added the LDG raw tuner board, that was featured in an article I read 
a few years back as well, as a tuned input for the amp so it would play well 
with my FT-1000D.  The board fit nicely in the power supply compartment of 
the "L".  Re-capped the HV supply with screw terminal modern caps.

End result is a nice amp that keeps the input match proper for the solid 
state rigs and gives me 1KW indicated out in the CW position on all bands 
with no more than 120W drive...160M included. (I never use the SSB position) 
Amp has, what appears to be, original US made tubes.

Nice amp for well under 1K.

Next project is another Clipperton L for a 6 meter conversion...once I find 
an unsuspecting candidate.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Cecil Acuff

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