Topband: Topband Warmup comments

Mike & Coreen Smith ve9aa at
Sun Oct 19 12:06:12 EDT 2008

    I think nearly everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. 
Computer locked up, The logging program wouldn't take my proper gridsquare 
to calculate points correctly, keying interface broke, SWR went up, main 
tuning dial problems on rig, paddles came unhinged and I wired up a second 
set instead, remote coax switch issues, New beverage broken, . . ..and a few 
other things.

    Still, I had a real blast !  Worked over 100 stns and just about every 
single station I could hear.

Biggest DX signals: UU4JMG, G4AMT
Biggest surprise/thrill: Being called by KH6LC ! wow, thanks..
Biggest west coast signal: VE7VV (near his sunset)
Biggest DX qso I heard: K7RAT work a G just after my QSO with him...wtg Tree
Biggest dissapointment: Not many EU and almost no W6/W7 (but I did go to bed 
early...just after sunset on KH6).
The one Carib I did work never gave a grid, so I scratched him from the log. 
No SA or AS stns heard.

My first Stew (even though it was only a warmup).

Hope to be back for the full deal in December.

Mike VE9AA FN66

Mike, Coreen & Corey Smith
699 Rte 616 Keswick Ridge
E6L 1T1 

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