Topband: UPDATE >> 160 m propagation polar path

n4is n4is at
Wed Oct 29 16:06:33 EDT 2008


Hello Folks


I would like to update my last post about possible good condition over polar
path on 160m, I said 


>>I think this will happen again this year; the abnormal behavior of A index
is starting again. Looking into the A index chart it is possible to forecast
very good condx on Sept 6-8, Oct 4-6 and Nov 2-4.<<


I did not noticed much enhancement on Oct 4-6 , However condition last week
was very impressive and on Monday 27th (one week before my original
forecast) the propagation was just fantastic over polar path. Stations from
zones 17 18 19 with very good signals in South Florida and most of US as


You can check on the site above that November 27th was the last day with low
A index after almost 2 weeks A index bellow 5.  Same I observed last year
for 3 month. 


There is no much science on that observation; we have only few Coronal holes
on just one side of the Sun and the other side is clear, so it takes almost
2 weeks to it show up again. Without CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) there is no
much fuel for Aurora. Last Monday Aurora level was only 1. 


In 28 days condition should repeat itself. Also we will have more darkness
on the north hemisphere, so we can expect terrific condition on November
20th to 24th. 


You can follow the A index plot on the site above and pay attention to the
last day before a big spike.


Good motivation fellows low band lovers, watch for those days, it could
bring more BIG surprises in your log.





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