Topband: Topband opening

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Sat Sep 13 20:00:19 EDT 2008

Tuned around for a few minutes at my sunset 0430Z,  heard
DF2PY with a copyable signal,  very weak LA9Z. 
The morning sunrise yesterday logged BT1ON, BT1OJ,
RA9LE, UA0DC, and several JA stations.  Noise was
down from the 20 over 9 of the past few weeks.  ZK3MW
continues to show up both evening and morning pretty
regular with good signals. 
Working on a different matching network for the top loaded
vertical,  and will be on daily in a few days,  especially at
my sunrise.  
73 Merv K9FD/KH6

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