Topband: Topband QSLing in general

Brian Moran brianmo at
Thu Dec 17 20:31:34 PST 2009

I like real cards. However, it's difficult to get some of the stations that are consistently on topband (domestic or DX) to send them.  

I think the LOTW issue is a red herring -- LOTW setup is comparable to the difficulty to set up a logging program with rig control for the first time (except no hardware is necessary). 

Some stations ask to 'Send XX green stamps for postage.'  In this day and age, it seems like we should call it like it really is, and then streamline it -- I'll pay the $X 'green stamps' via paypal, and I'll send the details of when I think I worked you via email. If you agree, upload my record to LOTW. If not, tell me NOT IN LOG. Or, if I pay you some additional $Y 'postage', you can upload to LOTW and send me a card (I believe some DXPeditions now accept requests for QSLs via Email).  If someone has email, they can also have PayPal. 

If a station wants to really cream some off the top, they can accept the $Y postage, and send a GlobalQSL-generated QSL, which goes back via the bureau; the cost for the station sending them is 12.5 cents or less (the result is a nicely printed card) -- up to 87.5 cents of 'postage' left over. For the DX station, it's probably easier than actually getting physical cards and mailing them out. Maybe faster too, so there could be more time lining up more Q's instead of opening envelopes.

Brian N9ADG

PS I would absolutely like to emphasize that JT1CO is absolutely STELLAR at QSLing; he was one of if not THE first real DX I ever worked on 160, and the QSL came back to my request really, really fast.  His rapid uploading of the QSO information reflects the dedication and care that he takes with his ham radio activities.

--- On Thu, 12/17/09, Kevin Schavee <n0cwrham at> wrote:

> From: Kevin Schavee <n0cwrham at>
> Real cards! Please.

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