Topband: Top Band Interference

Bob Kile (W7RH) midnight18 at
Mon Dec 21 19:25:21 PST 2009

Greetings guys,

The Stew Perry contest is days away. I have a request for our honorary group. 
For the past few years we have had a poor bored loner who likes to jam or 
interfere with stations working DX or weak signals. In the ARRL and CQWW 
events I was able to ignore him for the most part but when you have a broken 
double-double QSO it is more than annoying. It's time consuming and the 
contact may go past the peak. Then of course it would be NIL.

The signal appears to be coming from East of my Arizona QTH. It appears as a 
CW carrier which is dead zero beat with the desired station. It changes 
frequency as if the load is being varied. I've seen it go key down for several 
minutes. If you can work through him he moves on to the next victim.

Lets us just take a moment to resolve this issue. If you have directional 
capability or if you operate with a skimmer please send directional and signal 
strength comments to my email address above.

Merry Christmas to all!



Bob Kile, W7RH
Linux is like living in a teepee. No Windows, No Gates,
Apache in charge.

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