Topband: Dayton Topband Dinner 2009

George (K8GG) & Marijke Guerin gmguerin at
Fri Feb 13 11:51:59 EST 2009

All 160 meter band enthusiasts are cordially invited to the Top Band Dinner 
on Friday evening of the 2009 Hamvention in Dayton. This annual event brings 
together 160 meter operators from around the world for food, drink and 

We will, again, be at the Barnsider Restaurant - same location for the past 
three years.

Here are the particulars:

Date: Friday, May 15, 2009

Time: Social Hour 6:30 PM (Cash bar)

Dinner 7:30 PM

QTH: The Barnsider Restaurant (Near Hamvention Arena)

5202 N Main Street

Dayton, Ohio

(937) 277-1332

Located on Route 48 just north of Needmore Ave

Fare: Salad, roll and butter, dinner entree, dessert & beverage

Choose from Chicken, Fish, Pork or Beef entries - selected from

restaurant server. This is a plated dinner - not buffet.

Cost: $29 in US funds, mailed in advance. Includes complete dinner, taxes 
and gratuity. Price has been the same for last 4 years. Please note that all 
reservations need to be paid in advance, both USA and overseas.

Program: We'll have a presentation by one of the K5D - Desecheo Island

Ops on their low-band operation.

Reserve: Now via email, snail mail and pay cost in advance

(due before 4-25) to:

George Guerin, K8GG

14322 A Drive North

Marshall, MI 49033

Email: k8gg at or gmguerin at

We are looking forward to another great gathering of Top Band enthusiasts.

73 George & George


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