Topband: Flag antenna Gain:

wb6rse1 at wb6rse1 at
Thu Feb 26 14:24:17 PST 2009

On Feb 26, 2009, at 6:20 AM, n9bx at wrote:

Is this flag really playing like it should, or am I expecting too much  
out of it?


It is likely doing exactly what it should do since the back is on EU  
from your QTH. Rather than thinking of it as a "gain" antenna, it  
might be more useful to consider its directivity. You're trying to  
minimize signals in other than the favored direction.

I have used several diamonds and a flag on my roof and can attest to  
improved readably in the favored direction, and, unfortunately,  
interaction with nearby resonant antennas. I use a single binocular  
core to match to 50 ohm coax with a preamp at the rig. Compared to my  
shunt fed tower and a coax RX loop, these large loops are very quiet.  
The matching transformer is critical. It's the improved S/N that's the  
difference here vs any "gain."


73 - Steve WB6RSE

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