Topband: KCJ Topband contest

tsaitou at tsaitou at
Thu Jan 1 04:32:07 EST 2009

Happy New Year to Topband DXer.

This is the reminder of the KCJ Topband contest,
that's held on the period,from 12z Feb-14th to 12z Feb-15th.
(I've just found this announcement in the latest JARL news.)

The contest will probably give a good opportunity to gain 
the "prefecture-count" for those who would like to get 
"WAJA"(*) on topband.  (*)=Worked All Japan prefectures Award

For more info.,such as exchanging number,recommended QRG,etc.,
please check following web-site.

Toshio Saito  <je1tsd[at]jarl[dot]com>

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